Thursday, November 19, 2015

Learn How to Play the Guitar Even If You’re Left Handed (part 1 of 2)

Most individuals are right handed but it doesn’t really matter if you’re a left handed individual. There are things that some right handed people can do that lefties can’t do but when it comes to playing a guitar, even left handed people can do it too as long as their determined and motivated. Learn how to play the guitar even if you’re left handed especially if you love this musical instrument.

To be more inspired, you need to know some famous left handed guitarists. Yes, there are actually many left handed guitarists like Jimmy Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Albert King, Dick Dale, and Paul McCartney. These guitarists used re-strung guitars as well as left handed guitars and each of them have their own styles when playing the guitar. You can find more about them and their playing style by reading magazines or simply surfing the net.

A lot of information can be found online so you’d better start surfing the net. By knowing their stories, you will be motivated to learn to play guitar even if you’re left handed. Being a lefty should not be a hindrance if you really want to learn.

If your a beginner, you should know that you have several options to learn to play a guitar. First, you can use guitars that are used by right handed people. You don’t need to re-string it, simply leave the strings as is and then try to play the guitar upside down. Now this may seem difficult and so you can opt for the second option wherein you re-string a guitar.

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